Urban Legend is an iron cast sword with an aluminium guard and handle shaped like bones and deer antlers from deer, drawn from a fantasy world.

I want to display it in any setting and position it atop a high-point book shelf so as to obscure any correct viewing and, in a sense, remove all universal connotations such as justice, violence, arcane objects from fantasy books, and museum objects, but at the same time incorporates all of the them in it. Before being observed, it is already acknowledged.

This object fascinates me since it takes on a whole new meaning and dimension depending on the type of setting or circumstance it is placed in. Because a sword is always full of diverse meanings, the object’s message changes as a result.

Urban Legend was presented for the first time in occasion of the group exhibition ‘Impossible Enough to be an Art Space’.  An exibition that brought the attention to “unconventional” art spaces; really tiny spaces. I was happy to collaborate with Benny Van den Meulengracht, in the “Flasher! Art space”. An iconic “Flasher” coat that hosted my sword ( 🙃️ ) and other aluminium casted objectd.  

The show was curated by Nadia Bijl, Pepa De Maesschalck and Tom Volkaert at Lichtekooi (Antwerp, BE).


Moreover, this work was selected as winnner for the cathegory ‘Galleries’ and ‘Poliart’ in occasion of the
Premio Combat 2024. 


~Urban Legend

           Aluminium, high-carbon steel. | 2024